FAQ - How does Embrosa get permission to publish on the social media accounts of resellers?

During onboarding, resellers give Embrosa permission to publish a brand campaign on their behalf. The process consists of 2 steps: 1) Legal consent and 2) Technical connection to the Marketing Control Tower™️.

For a reseller, their hyper-local campaign starts when they receive an invitation to participate in a campaign from one of their brands. This invitation contains a QR code and link.

When a reseller scans this QR code or clicks on the link, they go through the onboarding process. 85%-90% of resellers go through the onboarding process in 1 minute (*).

In the onboarding process, resellers permit Embrosa to publish a brand campaign on their behalf. The process consists of 2 steps:

  • Step 1: Legal consent - allowing us to post
  • Step 2: Technical connection to Marketing Control Tower™️ - enabling us to post (only for Facebook and Instagram)

Step 1: Legal consent
A reseller gives Embrosa legal permission to post the one specific brand campaign on their channels and on their behalf. They go through this approval for each campaign. Embrosa never publishes without their approval. And resellers can withdraw the legal permission at any time.

Step 2: Technical connection to Marketing Control Tower™️ - only for Facebook and Instagram

When the campaign includes Facebook or Instagram, a reseller must also give Embrosa access to publish on their behalf on their Instagram and Facebook channels.

By using the Embrosa onboarder, they identify Embrosa as (one of) their marketing agency(ies). They go through this step only once. The linked resellers remain linked even after the campaign and you can therefore collaborate with them more often in campaigns.

Again, Embrosa never publishes any brand campaign without the legal consent of a reseller. And resellers can disconnect Embrosa as their marketing agency at any time in their Business Portfolio (previously called Facebook Business Manager).

Making the technical connection takes only 1 minute. However, many resellers forget to go through the steps in time. In the first pilot, Embrosa makes sure all resellers are linked to the Marketing Control Tower™️ in time. In a second campaign, we will teach you how to link resellers yourself or you can outsource this to us.

(*) about 10% to 15% of resellers experience problems connecting Meta during step 2
As mentioned earlier, 85% of resellers go through the onboarding process within 1 minute. Some may only need some ‘encouragement’ because they forget to connect. But about 10% to 15% of resellers experience connection problems during this process. These connection problems occur only with Meta (Facebook and Instagram).

This is usually because someone else (e.g. an external marketing agency) has claimed the rights to the reseller's Facebook page in a Business Portfolio (previously called Facebook Business Manager). Our linking requests are sent to this other party instead of the reseller. Due to privacy reasons, Meta does not share the identity of people who manage this business portfolio.

Often, resellers do not remember who has these rights. They have unknowingly given permission for this in the past. We have a manual available for resellers, guiding them through every step. We also offer 1-to-1 personal support through phone calls, online meetings or we take over a reseller's computer remotely to help them.

Mind you: we do charge extra for this 'docking' support. It easily takes us 1 hour per reseller to help a shop with these type of problems. You can request this docking support in our Marketing Control Tower™️.

Just a friendly reminder that we may not be able to solve every problem. Sometimes the solution is beyond our control.

Good to know: Fallback option or Google Campaign
We can offer resellers who are unable to be connected a "fallback campaign" on Facebook and Instagram. This campaign will be run from your brand's social media account and the ads, landing pages will still be personalized, and hyper-local targeting will be set specifically for that reseller. However, we won't be able to publish organic posts on this resellers' timeline or grid, because of the connecting issue preventing us from publishing on their behalf.

Another solution is to offer resellers with connection problems the option to advertise on Google Display, Google Search, or on Out-Of-Home Billboards or Screens. You can launch this reseller's campaign on these channels without any extra fee.