Download the Embrosa App
Paid for by brands. 100% free for you.
Use the app to join and manage a brand campaign or use the Embrosa App to find extra inspiration to publish on your social media channels.

Confidently join campaigns organized by your brand

Use the Embrosa App to add your logo, company name, and photo to create personalized ads with both brand and store elements.

With the user-friendly Embrosa App, you can always choose not to post, advertise, or drop a complete brand campaign.

Easily create a different version of the social media text provided by your brand, and make sure that your shop is the only one using this caption.

You can view the results of your social media posts, ads, and campaigns in the Embrosa App. Follow which ad works best for your store.

Easily share social media content in your own language, even if brand campaigns are only provided in English.

Be more visible by sharing more on social media to reach existing customers with posts and new customers with ads, and drive traffic to your store.

Join your first campaign
Try the Embrosa App. It's 100% Free.
Join your first campaign and discover more social media inspiration in the Embrosa App, your go-to mobile hub for persuasive photos, inviting videos, and charming text.