FAQ - Why is online marketing important for local shops?

A shops' online presence can influence end-consumers buying decisions and knowing that a local point of sale is nearby will make it easier for consumers to purchase products from their local brick-and-mortar stores.

Consumers Research Online, but Purchase Offline (ROPO)

Today, the path to purchase starts in the digital world. This is why shop owners need a strong presence on platforms like Instagram and Facebook—showcasing their products and services. However, all generations prefer to purchase products in brick-and-mortar stores (source).

So a shops' online presence can influence end-consumers buying decisions. And knowing that a local point of sale is nearby will make it easier for consumers to purchase products from their local brick-and-mortar stores.

A whopping 60% of shoppers stumble upon fresh brands and must-haves via Facebook & Instagram. And 44% make a purchase after discovering a product on social media.
Susanne Vink
Head of Operations