Campaigns that drive traffic to you
Embrosa for Resellers
Join a campaign organized and sponsored by your brand. This way more people see your company name and draw in people to your store.

Becoming more visible
Get noticed
Your brands help you become more visible on social media and Google. And even via out-of-home advertising. This all is essential for reaching existing customers and drawing in new ones.

Research Online and Purchase Offline
Benefitting from ROPO
Why is this important? Well many consumers begin their purchasing journey online. However, they still prefer to make their purchases offline. In other words: they like visiting your store. This highlights the importance of increasing your online visibility in order to drive traffic to your shop.

Give permission
Join a campaign
Embrosa supports your brand to run hyper-local campaigns. Grant permission to join the brand campaigns. Embrosa shows you in advance what a brand wants to publish. Embrosa then automatically publishes those approved posts and ads on your social media channels. You always stay in-control.

Your own targeting area
No competition
Embrosa sets up a separate targeting area for each reseller. This means that only you will run this campaign near your store. The exciting part is that we target people who work, live, or visit the area around your store.
Happy resellers, happy customers
Gain more loyalty

Our team helps you on board
Connect your social channels
Do you have any questions about the campaign? Are you experiencing trouble joining a campaign or connecting your Facebook account to the brand campaign? We're here to help you take the next step. We offer support in French, German, Dutch, and English.

More about joining a brand campaign
Visit our website for resellers
Read more about Embrosa, joining a campaign organized by your brand, and the Embrosa App to manage your campaigns.