The story behind the name “Embrosa”

What does the name Embrosa mean? How did the founders of Embrosa, Rogier and Melanie, come up with this name?

The story behind the name “Embrosa” Written by

Long, long ago … (in a land far from here) … Embrosa started writing marketing content for small local store owners who didn’t know what to write about in their newsletter or on their social media. Our founders, Rogier and Melanie, helped them write and publish their stories.

That made Rogier and Melanie think of Ambrose as the patron saint of the guild of schoolmasters. In addition, ambrosia is the drink of the gods, which makes gods immortal.

Well-written content, shared in a newsletter or social media post, would immortalize the small resellers. About three hours later, they arrived at Embrosa. (pronounced "Em"-"Bro"-"saaaaa", with the stress/emphasis on "Bro").

  • The name was internationally pronounceable
  • The domain name was still available, and
  • The trademark 'Embrosa' had never been claimed before
  • And an extra benefit: it also sounds like 'Embrace'; join, which immediately captures the optimistic spirit of the founders and the company.

Rogier and Melanie went home after the brainstorming session. They would sleep on it.

That very evening, Saskia, Rogier's wife, said: “It contains all the letters of the mouths that need to be fed with this company: Eliza (Rogier's daughter), M (Melanie), B (Bart ), Ro (Rogier), Sa (Saskia).”

This name was destined to be great.
Embrosa was born.

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