You’re in the optical business. You know your business, company, and profession, inside out. Not too long ago, that was your key to success. But now you need to know whether you should be on Facebook, OR on Instagram! Say what? How should YOU know? Let us talk you through why you should wanna-be active on at least one of these, but maybe even on both of these platforms…

Retail is undergoing a metamorphosis

We all know, technology is making us change our ways! After the last couple of fearful years - “retail as we know it is doomed” -, we now understand that technology is actually giving retail a makeover. Yes, retail as we knew it is pretty much going to go extinct. Oldskool, non-evolving retail that is! But retail itself certainly isn’t dead, it’s undergoing a metamorphosis and it might be more alive than ever!

This metamorphosis is about more than just the look-and-feel of retail. Of course, retailers are able to differentiate themselves by their unique products and more remarkable ‘experiential shopping’ including personal services like truly outstanding customer service, one-on-one private shopping, and having vibrant stores that are about more than just the product. But, more importantly, the future asks retailers to have multiple digital channels that are well harmonized with their physical stores, and that allows for lots and lots of engagement! Engagement seems to be the magic word… and engagement could mean likes. But, that 's not the magic word we are looking for. We are talking about connections. Real, online connections with your customers. Especially now, that we can't have them offline!

“I already have a website!”

Alright, so, what does this all mean? Well, first of all, it means that just having a website is certainly not going to cut it. It also means that you should actively be looking for ways to ‘engage’ with your customers. Offline marketing surely offers great opportunities for local entrepreneurs, but as for right now, with the whole world undergoing this horrific COVID19 pandemic, online is your definite way to go.

So how does my optical business benefit from Social Media?

Of course, online was already the way to go and probably pretty much the center of either your focus or your worries. Because all the stats have been showing us the importance of being present on social networks where all the engagement-action seems to be! So, let’s talk about the two main networks that are so SO important for your business right now: Facebook and Instagram. Today we’ll take you through basics: first, why these two platforms, and second, what’s the difference between the two?

To Insta or to Facebook, is that even a question?

As we’ve written before, Facebook is still the king and queen of leading social media networks. With around 2.5 BILLION monthly active users, and 1.69 BILLION users that log on every day. Facebook reaches 60.6 % of internet users. Imagine that… honestly. But, coming closer and closer to Facebook, Instagram is definitely a force to be reckoned with. It has become the second most engaged social network platform in the world!

What is the best choice for my optical business?

It’s clear to see (...pun intended), these are two very important places to be found, seen, and to actively be hanging out, engaging with your customers. ! But, is it a matter of either/or? When you are choosing the right social network for your business, it’s important to take your target audience, your own customers, into account.

Facebook still is the biggest there is. And basically, it feels like every - even the smallest of businesses - should be present on Facebook. Not only because Facebook to Millenials has become like Google, when they look for a business they often try to find it on social first, before navigating to a website. But also, because advertising on Facebook is a great way to easily reach your local (online) customers.

But hold up: first check demographics!

Instagram and Facebook have very different following. It might seem like everyone is using Facebook, but knowing particular social media demographics for a platform provides you with insights into the type of people using it the most. Facebook has (50%+) users in all the different age groups, however, it’s important to note that usage among teens has dropped in favor of YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat. More and more, Facebook is being associated with Boomers. The network also leans more towards women with 75% of women and 63% of men using the platform. Instagram has a significantly younger audience, its biggest user percentage being Millennials and Generation Z, of which 43% women, and 31% men.

With the above data in mind, think about your objective. As an optician, who do you want to reach? And what would you like the engagement to be like? Would you mostly want to ‘send’ messages and for example current promotions? Or would you like to ‘receive’ too, and get in touch with your customers? Inspire them? Provide customer service? Dare to try them both, feel and see the difference. Enough with the stats already, let's just dive into them a little. As Embrosa’s social media fanatic, here are my two cents with regard to these two platforms:


Instagram is about beauty, it’s about esthetic, and about looks. Hence the term ‘Insta-worthy’. You don’t just post any random pic on Insta, looks matter. On Instagram, you share both pictures and videos, as well as short ‘stories’ (that are online to be viewed for 24 hours and then disappear). Your visuals are displayed in a ‘grid’, three visuals displayed, next to each other. On Instagram you ‘follow’ and 'unfollow' people. It feels a little less personal than Facebook, which I think is one of the advantages. You can love a post, give a comment in which you can ‘tag’ people, and you can share a post to your own story or grid. It’s not so much a place where you start debates or get into heated discussions, as Facebook seems to attract. Instagram’s stories are fun, playful and easy. And for business, stories are hot! Plus, Instagram started IGTV which is a great way to reach customers. It allows you to upload videos that are longer than the ones you can post to your grid.


Facebook can be anything. From blog posts, just sharing thoughts, sharing pictures, recipes, discussions, … anything.. Facebook feels like a family-oriented environment, with baby and/or pet pictures and videos floating around all day. You post to your Facebook News Feed, also known as your Facebook Timeline, Facebook doesn’t have a grid, like Instagram. On Facebook you ‘befriend’ and 'unfriend' people, which feels different than 'following' people, like you do on Instagram. Yet, you can ‘like’ and 'unlike' a business page. Reactions to a post can be anything from a like, love, laugh, be shocked, sad or angry. But also leave a (long) comment (lots of room for full-on engagement, not just pleasant engagement, might I add) and you can share posts from other people to your own News Feed.

They both work differently, yet they feel similar too, somehow. Even more so since Instagram was bought by Facebook! Both platforms have an easy way to ‘share’ with your audience, both platforms give you the opportunity to make short video stories (each ‘story’ is only 15 seconds long). When it comes to stories though, Instagram still wins with all the fun stuff you can add to your videos!

We love social media!

That much you know. More than social media itself, we love helping people with their social media, and that's why we’ve made it our mission to make social media marketing easy, affordable and personal for local entrepreneurs. More of these blog posts on the different platforms and their specific benefits will be coming to you soon! In the meantime, do reach out to us if you want to know how Embrosa could empower you and your business.

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