Reseller marketing is feasible for you

Investment of Reseller Marketing

This page aims to provide you with an idea of the level of Reseller Marketing that is feasible for your brand, based on your available (Trade) Marketing Budget. You'll see that Reseller Marketing is achievable for brands of all sizes.

We can customize each option to suit your budget, the number of resellers you have, and the amount of media budget you're willing to spend.

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You have a total budget of €1.250 a year

Brand portal for social media

When you have about €1250 a year to spare on Trade Marketing, you could spend it on a brand portal, allowing your reseller to access all your marketing content on their mobile phone.

  • Your resellers have 24/7 access to your content
  • Your resellers can share your content when they want
  • They can share content as a Story, Reel or Post
  • You can invite unlimited ♾️ resellers
  • The investment is €1.188 per year. You pay 12 invoices of €99 per month
Placeholder for Social media content planner Social media content planner

You have a total budget of €3.500 a year

Year-round social plannings

With a total budget of €3500, you can support your resellers with a Social Media Planner. You can plan, schedule, and publish organic Posts, Stories, and Reels for them without the need for additional media budget. This is all achievable within a very moderate budget.

  • Support 50 Resellers
  • Give them Organic Instagram & Facebook posts
  • 4 times a year provide them with a 3-month social media planning
  • The investment is €3.584 per year. You pay 12 invoices of €299 per month. This comes down to €5,97 per reseller per month.
Placeholder for Hr Embrosa Reseller Marketing Campaign per reseller Hr Embrosa Reseller Marketing Campaign per reseller

You have a total budget of €7.500 a year

4 Awareness Campaigns for 25 resellers

When you can allocate €7500 for Reseller Marketing, you can also help your resellers with their advertising budget. This example campaign below reaches 385.000 unique people for your brand.

  • Run 4 campaigns a year
  • Support 25 Resellers per campaign
  • Give €37,50 ad budget per reseller per campaign
  • Includes Personalized Posts and Awareness Ads on Facebook & Instagram
  • Duration: 21 days per campaign

Did you know.....

If you would organize this campaign in-house, it would take you 229 hours. If you outsourced it to an agency, the agency's expenses and advertising budget would easily cost you € 22.500. Working with Embrosa allows you to do the same for €7.528.

Placeholder for Embrosa create Landingpage per shop Embrosa create Landingpage per shop

You have a total budget of €25.000 a year

2 campaigns on Meta + Google Display

With a budget of €25.000 per year, you can expand the number of resellers and increase the number of publication channels.

  • Run 2 campaigns a year
  • Support 75 Resellers per campaign
  • Give €120 ad budget per reseller per campaign
  • Includes Personalized Posts and Traffic Ads on Facebook & Instagram, Google Display Ads & Personalized Landing page
  • Duration: 1 month per campaign

Did you know.....

If you would organize this campaign in-house, it would take you 522 hours. If you outsourced it to an agency, the agency's expenses and advertising budget would easily cost you € 61.738. When working with Embrosa, you get it done on a budget of €23.555.

Placeholder for Hr outdoor publishing OOH Embrosa Reseller Marketing Hr outdoor publishing OOH Embrosa Reseller Marketing

You have a total budget of €75.000 a year

4 omni-channel campaigns for 100 resellers

If you are willing to spend €75.000 a year, you could give 100 resellers a four-times-a-year omnichannel advertising campaign to generate traffic. The campaign would even include Digital Out of Home for every reseller. Sponsor, for example, €150 advertising budget per campaign.

  • Support 100 Resellers
  • 4x omnichannel campaigns, combining paid & organic
  • Including Facebook & Instagram Ads, Posts, Reels, YouTube, Google Search, Google Display and Digital Out Of Home
  • Duration: 1 month

Did you know.....

If you would organize this in-house, it would take you 1927 hours. An agency (hourly fees + advertising budget) would cost you € 220.633. When working with Embrosa, you would get this done for € 75.379. And you would reach guaranteed: 1.800.000 unique people for your brand and additionally 3.440.000 guaranteed views.

We'll create a personalized budget prognoses for you

We'll create a personalized budget prognoses for you

We'll calculate your value

Whether you have a budget of €1.200 or €120.000 a year, we will let your Trade Marketing budget work for you. Let us create an obligation-free budget prognosis. We'll also tell you the guaranteed reach and impressions you will get based on your ad-spent.